The leadership team from Employers Mutual recently experienced two quite different team building experiences in one day at the Gold Coast Marriott.
In the morning they were surprised by a light hearted commando raid, put into military fatigues and briefed for the high-end business game Battlespace. Battlespace is a sophisticated military themed simulation game that requires a team to deal with a complex unfolding situation whilst making optimal use of both human and physical resources. This team did a sensational job of planning and executing their mission.
After lunch came a real change of both theme and pace as the team was challenged with our charity / CSR concept "Whose Bike Is This Anyway". In this challenge teams complete a series of point winning tasks in and around the venue before exchanging points and tokens for bike components.
Once assembled and ready to race, a representative from a kid's charity or community group (in this case Adrian, a local school chaplain) arrives as a surprise for the team to donate their bikes to some needy families.
A very nice and lasting legacy from their meeting.
So in the space of one day this great leadership team successfully undertook two quite different team building challenges, and with great success.