It was a sensational and sunny Far North Queensland day as we boarded 100 VIP Suncorp participants onto their Quicksilver vessel bound for the beautiful Great Barrier Reef.
Teams had been formed already back at the Cairns Pullman Hotel by using our Nexus Networking challenge and participants were seated in team groups aboard the boat so that they could undertake some planning for team based challenges awaiting them at the huge Quicksilver Norman Reef Pontoon. On the way out we even had a memorable close encounter with a pod of Humpback Whales who came right up to the vessel to check out the group.
The major thrust of the team based challenges was to effectively illustrate the value of Emotional Intelligence when collaborating with other teams and leaders in a problem solving environment.
The activity content delivered out at the pontoon was therefore tailored to draw out discussion and actions from the following points:
Did people within the team feel that they maintained good self-awareness of their own strengths, weaknesses and behaviours and the impacts of those behaviours upon others during the task?
Were people expressing themselves constructively and asserting their opinions freely during the tasks (and made comfortable to do so)?
Was there a healthy sense of collective responsibility / unity of purpose throughout the team’s attempt to plan and execute the tasks?
During the problem solving phase was the team objectively testing their ideas, and were individuals controlling emotional impulses when frustrations or differences of opinion occurred?
Was there a sense of optimism and resilience when any stresses arose during the problem solving process?
The teams did a truly wonderful job of deploying their EQ to harness their strengths and manage their weaknesses to achieve some noteworthy results in the challenge before enjoying some well-earned R&R on the Quicksilver Norman Reef Pontoon.
Sabre has delivered some great team building activities in Cairns and on the Great Barrier Reef over the years including locations such as the beautiful Green Island Resort.