Sabre has recently designed and delivered a two-day retreat for The United Nations PNG Regional Country Office and its Programme Coordination Committee.
The Committee is made up of high level representatives from 15 United Nations and associated agencies such as The UNFPA, UNICEF, OHCHR, UN Women, IHO, IOM, WHO and other important agencies.
It was a privilege to work with a team of leaders from so many diverse parts of the UN engaged in humanitarian mandates that are improving the lives of so many people within the region.
The retreat made use of extensive pre-programme diagnostics derived from Belbin profiles and reports that informed retreat-based sessions exploring individual profiles and overall team dynamics.
Tailored Sabre simulations and experiential content was also used in tandem with the profile insights to enhance cross-agency communication, collaboration and understanding.
Sabre is honoured to have played a part in assisting these United Nations agencies to perform their valuable work in achieving strategic development goals.