This is a great team building activity and fun murder mystery with a difference.
Some recent sessions using this concept with clients has reminded us all of just how much fun it is, and also what a great team building event it can be to suit a client’s brief.
A colourful nightclub cabaret Diva has met an untimely end and there is no shortage of shady characters with motives to sift through and attempt to solve this dastardly murder. As the event unfolds a gradual big picture emerges from which skilful teams may be able to deduce motive, evidential proofs and convict a killer.
Each team becomes an investigative Police unit able to access a variety of fascinating crime scene evidence, witness testimonies and very colourful and hilarious re-enactments.
CSI style forensic tasks and numerous other sophisticated elements make this a genuine real-time challenge that draws out the best of a team in terms of behavioural styles, diversity and common purpose. It’s also a load of fun.
