Our ‘Making Music’ concept is a large group challenge that uses music, specfically Calypso style percussion, to create energy, engagement, teamwork and collaboration.
This high-energy event uses many different styles of percussion instruments and special Calypso beats and rhythms (that have been carefully created by some of the more musical members of the Sabre team) to form a giant Calypso percussion band.
Small sub teams write their own beats, rhythms and conference themed lyrics, then also work to master a common unifying Calypso beat that will be played as one giant team.
The energy and sheer noise that is made is just incredible, and so too is the feeling of accomplishment all get from bringing together many separate people and sub-teams to eventually work and play as one together.
Great fun, and also a way to powerfully express cross-functional communication, collaboration and the power of working together towards a clear common goal.
This spectacular activity really does bring teamwork and collaboration to life.
