Mission Possible in Central Queensland
Some members of the Sabre team have recently journeyed to Rockhampton to work with some teams from the The Capricornian.
The event theme selected by this client was our ‘Mission Possible’ that successfully blends both fun and team learning. It playfully integrates a range of sophisticated team challenge tasks into an enjoyable Secret Agent theme.
A surprise Special Agent raid on the meeting room quickly flows into a mission briefing and networking game to form teams. Each team then embarks upon a unique mission to locate and overcome a clever series of tasks from which teams can earn extra intelligence, co-ordinates and special codes.
As teams build up their information and equipment they will ultimately collaborate to de-activate an insidious series of ‘Doomsday Devices’ hard wired to the archetypical countdown clocks.
This event can be staged as a fun conference team build, or frontloaded with Belbin Team Role profiles and more sophisticated tasks to deliver more substantial team and leadership development.
The Sabre team had a lot of fun with these teams, and also enjoyed some more tropical ‘Rocky’ weather for this time of year.
T - 1300 731 381 E - Admin@SabreHQ.com
