Whilst we will often design cutting-edge and brand-new approaches, and have made our mark by doing so, there’s still a place for many of the old-school team building games as well.
Sabre has designed many new approaches and games over the years, and still does so in response to specific client briefs, or just because or resident creatives get bored.
The shiny and new team activity concepts don’t necessarily have to replace some old-school favourites when the client brief or theme genuinely suits them. In fact, some of the old classics always work, and can convey clear messages when called upon to do so. It just needs to be at the right time and in the right context.
The old ‘Giant Skis’ activity is an example of team building games from the past that can still work well. We recently ran one as part of a ‘Street Survivor’ theme linked to Homeless charities.
Whilst it was dovetailed into a programme that also had far more sophisticated newer style team challenge tasks, it powerfully illustrated the value of co-ordination, communication and persistence as part of the Survivor narrative and theme.
It’s also fun for us to occasionally dust off some games we used in the late 80’s and take a stroll down memory lane for our longer-serving team members, and give a history lesson to our Sabre millennials.