Team Building - Sport and Crazy Stuff
High energy and fun indoor and outdoor team activity challenges and adaptations of sporting themes and approaches to suit conference and incentive groups.
Versagility offers a fun and chaotic format for teams to explore their skills and diversity.
They will demonstrate their "Versatility" and their "Agility" by competing in a wide variety of point winning challenges ranging from the crazy to the outright spectacular.
The challenges sit in a wide range of categories from complex problem solving tasks to performance, physical feats of skill and tests of business related knowledge and insight.
Winning teams will need to draw upon myriad Team Role combinations and the diversity of their team to cover as many areas of skill and contribution as possible.
Group Size: 12 and up (suitable for large groups)
Duration: 2 - 3 hours
Venue: Indoors or Outdoors. Can make use of your existing meeting space.
Key Themes: Teamwork, leadership, communication, creativity, innovation, breaking down barriers, time management, team roles and diversity, fun and energetic.

Going somewhere 'beachy', then how about an old-school beach olympics?

Our Beach Olympics format is tailored to suit the required duration and also group sizes. It can be delivered for small and large groups, but is highly reliant upon local government authority permission to make use of public beach spaces.